
The Secret Key to Home Business Success Facilitative Leadership

Network marketers are always debating what is the best form of leadership. I think the best is the most overlooked style: Facilitative leadership.Facilitative leadership is all about providing a vision and direction for a group to take, then standing clear and letting the group members lead themselves to allow them to grow. They allow the group to grow by helping them make connections and come up with fresh ideas. They help the team by making sure they are moving in the right direction and lending a hand when someone gets stuck.In a home based or network marketing business if you are coaching a team and assisting them in their own business goals, you want your team to take on the leadership role themselves. You want to empower them make decisions for themselves because it is for THEIR business. If you ever find your team members coming to you looking for your approval on something before taking action, you are not facilitating their success. You should be there to help guide them in the best direction, but allow them to take charge of their own business.One of the biggest mistakes I see in Iphone 4s Belt Clip home based business owners is once they view themselves as a leader, Iphone 4s Cases they view their team as followers. They try to shoehorn their team into the processes, marketing, and even ways of talking that have worked for them. No one can create lasting success if they are trying to emmulate someone else.If you're successful, how will you keep from telling people exactly what to do? It can be really tempting to create a formula and tell your team to follow it. But the most important thing is, it's not what you are doing, but how you're doing it. If you are coming from a place of confidence, of excitement, of feeling that you are a leader people see and feel that from you, they want to work with you and follow your lead. If you are trying to copy someone else you are not building your own confidence, you are rarely really excited about how you are doing business and you are constantly in follower mode.Facilitative leadership is the best way to make sure your team members don't slip into follower mode from the start. Here is a few ways to gently guide them in the right direction:-Make sure they know what options they have (types of marketing, talking to leads, etc) and then let them do the research into their options before they decide what to do. You can tell them what choices you made and help them discuss which option is right for them.-Ask them what appeals to them, what are they excited about. Let them talk it through and just LISTEN. Stop them from engaging in any limiting talk or excuses and steer them back towards solution oriented talk.-Have team calls and let them talk to each other! Bring a topic of discussion and put in your two cents, then allow them to discuss whatever came up for them.Don't expect them to be you! Encourage them to use their own strengths and preferences, and become a leader in their own right. You will see incredible results and with each person that you assist in becoming a successful leader your belief in yourself, in your business, and in the rest of your team will become stronger and stronger. As with just about everything in this world, by truly assisting others, you will really be assisting yourself.

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