
Marketing Services Agency

I understand that a lot of people feel that writing 10 articles per day is a daunting task as it will probably takes like countless hours to do so. But it may not be true if you know how to write fast.Article is a great form of marketing channel on the Internet. It can be distributed freely by different blogs, websites, and directories, generating more backlinks and traffic back to your website. It is also free of charge if you write them yourself, which make it extremely important for you to know how to write fast if you do not want to spend the whole day writing them.Actually to write a useful article with 400 words in 10 minutes is definitely possible, as long as you know what are the techniques and things that you need to prepare. Let me share with you some steps to follow to churn out articles fast:1.Plan what you are going to write about. This is usually the hardest part, but it can be solved with constant writing and practising. Before you write your articles, plan out what you are going to write. Let's say that you are going to write 10 articles today. Firstly, draft out the 10 titles for these articles. Then brainstorm on some points that you can write about for each article. For this step, you should not take more than 30 minutes to finish it.2.Start writing. Once you have came out with the titles and pointers for each China Wholesale topic, power Nail Pen up your word processor and start writing. One tactic when writing articles is that do not pause and fine tune them. Continue to write what comes into your mind and only correct any grammars or spelling mistakes at the end of it. Momentum is very important if you want to write them fast.3.Time yourself. The benchmark of writing 1 article is 10 minutes. At the beginning, it is all right for you to exceed the 10 minutes mark. Do not worry. With constant writing, you will be able to reduce the time that you spend on each article. Remember to time yourself, and always try to beat your last timing.4.Write in point form. If you are new to writing, one trick that you can try is to break down your article in point forms. By have 2 main paragraphs, which followed by point forms and a conclusion, you will definitely be able to pass the 400 words mark which is ideal for distribution.Bear these 4 tips in mind and practise writing. Once you are able to churn out articles fast - not just any articles, but articles that can sell, you will be able to maximize your profits margin as you do not need to spend any money paying other people to write for you.

